Francesco Izzo, Chiara Germinario, Celestino Grifa, Alessio Langella, Mariano Mercurio (2020) External reflectance FTIR dataset (4000–400 cm−1) for the identification of relevant mineralogical phases forming Cultural Heritage materials. Infrared Physics and Technology 106 (2020) 103266.

Sossio Fabio Graziano , Concetta Rispoli, Vincenza Guarino, Giuseppina Balassone , Giovanni Di Maio, Lucia Pappalardo, Piergiulio Cappelletti, Giulio Damato, Alberto De Bonis, Claudia Di Benedetto, Loredana D’Orazio, Vincenzo Morra (2020) The Roman Villa of Positano (Campania Region, southern Italy): Plasters, Tiles and Geoarcheological ReconstructionInternational Journal of Conservation Science, Volume 11, Special Issue 1, 2020: 319-344. ISSN: 2067-533X

Chiara Germinario, Michele Gorrasi, Francesco Izzo, Alessio Langella, Marco Limongiello, Mariano Mercurio, Daniela Musmeci, Alfonso Santoriello, Celestino Grifa (2020) Damage Diagnosis of Ponte Rotto, A Roman Bridge Along The Ancient Appia. International Journal of Conservation Science, Volume 11, Special Issue 1, 2020: 277-290. ISSN: 2067-533X

G. Wei, C. Germinario, C. Grifa, X. Ma (2020) Characterization of ancient building lime mortars of Anhui province, China: A multi‐analytical approach. Archaeometry, doi: 10.1111/arcm.12565

M. F. Alberghina, C. Germinario, G. Bartolozzi, S. Bracci, C. Grifa, F. Izzo, M. F. La Russa, D. Magrini, E. Massa, M. Mercurio, V. Mollica Nardo, M. E. Oddo, S. M. Pagnotta, A. Pelagotti, R. C. Ponterio, P. Ricci, N. Rovella, S. A. Ruffolo, S. Schiavone, A. Spagnuolo, C. Vetromile, G. Zuchtriegel, C. Lubritto (2020) The Tomb of the Diver and the frescoed tombs in Paestum southern Italy): New insights from a comparative archaeometric study. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0232375.

Francesco Izzo, Antonella Furno, Francesca Cilenti, Chiara Germinario, Michele Gorrasi, Mariano Mercurio, Alessio Langella, Celestino Grifa (2020) The domus domini imperatoris Apicii built by Frederick II along the Ancient Via Appia (southern Italy): An example of damage diagnosis for a Medieval monument in rural environment. Construction and Building Materials 259 (2020) 119718

Germinario C., Cultrone G., De Bonis A., De Simone G.F., Izzo F., Langella A., Martucci C.S., Mercurio M., Morra V., Vyhnal C.R., Grifa C. (2021). Production technology of Late Roman decorated common ware from Vesuvius environs: Evidence from Pollena Trocchia (Campania region, Italy). Geoarchaeology, 2021, 36(1), pp. 34–53 ISSN: 0883-6353,

Grifa C., Germinario C., De Bonis A., Cavassa L., Izzo F., Mercurio M., Langella A., Kakoulli I., Fisher C., Barra D., Aiello G., Soricelli G., Vyhnal C.R., Morra V. (2021). A pottery workshop in Pompeii unveils new insights on the Roman ceramics crafting tradition and raw materials trade. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2021, 126, 105305, ISSN: 0305-4403,

Grifa C., Germinario C., De Bonis A., Cavassa L., Izzo F., Mercurio M., Langella A., Kakoulli I., Fisher C., Barra D., Aiello G., Soricelli G., Vyhnal C.R., Morra V. (2021). Archaeometric data from the Via dei Sepolcri ceramic workshop in Pompeii (Southern Italy). Data in Brief, 2021, 34, 106706.

Grifa C., Germinario C., Mercurio M., Izzo F., Pepe F., Bareschino P., Cucciniello C., Morra V., Cultrone G., Carafa A., Langella A. (2021). Technology, exploitation and consumption of natural resources of traditional brick productions in Madagascar. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 308, ISSN: 0950-0618, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.125022

Guarino V., De Bonis A., Pena J.T., Verde M., Morra V. (2021). Multianalytical investigation of wasters from the Tower 8/Porta di Nola refuse middens in Pompeii: Sr–Nd isotopic, chemical, petrographic, and mineralogical analyses. Geoarchaeology, vol. 36, p. 712-739, ISSN: 0883-6353,

Izzo, F., Guarino, V., Ciotola, A., Verde, M., De Bonis A., Capaldi, C., Morra, V. (2021). An archaeometric investigation in a consumption context: Exotic, imitation and traditional ceramic productions from the Forum of Cumae (southern Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2021, 35, 102768,

Verde M., De Bonis A., D’Uva F., Guarino V., Izzo F., Rispoli C., Borriello G., Giglio M., Iavarone S., Morra V. (2022). Minero-petrographic investigation on Roman pottery found in a dump in the workshop area of Cumae (southern Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 42, ISSN: 2352-409X, doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103376

Montanari R., Murakami N., De Bonis A., Colomban P., Alberghina M. F., Grifa C., Izzo F., Morra V., Pelosi C., Schiavone S. (2022). The early porcelain kilns of Arita: Identification of raw materials and their use from the 17th to the 19th Open Ceramics, vol. 9, ISSN: 2666-5395, doi:10.1016/j.oceram.2021.100217

Germinario C., De Bonis A., Barattolo F., Cicala L., Franciosi L., Izzo F., Langella A., Mercurio M., Morra V., Russo B., Cicchiello I., Grifa C. (2022). Ceramic building materials from the ancient Témesa (Calabria region, Italy): Raw materials procurement, mix-design and firing processes from the Hellenistic to Roman period. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 41, ISSN: 2352-409X, doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103253

C. Germinario, S. Pagano, M. Mercurio, F. Izzo, A. De Bonis, V. Morra, P. Munzi, M. Leone, E. Conca, Celestino Grifa (2022). Roman technological expertise in the construction of perpetual buildings: new insights into the wall paintings of a banquet scene from a tomb in Cumae (southern Italy). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2022) 14: 181,

Sabrina Pagano, Chiara Germinario, Maria Francesca Alberghina, Marina Covolan, Mariano Mercurio, Daniela Musmeci, Rebecca Piovesan, Alfonso Santoriello, Salvatore Schiavone and Celestino Grifa (2022). Multilayer Technology of Decorated Plasters from the domus of Marcus Vipsanus Primigenius at Abellinum (Campania Region, Southern Italy): An Analytical Approach. Minerals 2022, 12, 1487.

Izzo F., Ciotola A., Guarino V., Verde M., De Bonis A., Germinario C., Capaldi C., Morra, V. (2023). Focusing on red and black engobes in Roman pottery from Cumae (southern Italy): Pompeian Red Ware and Graue Platten ceramic productions. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 47 (2023) 103778,

Germinario C., De Bonis A., Grifa C., Guarino V., Marazzi M., Pepe C., Rispoli C., Scotto di Covella M., Morra V. (2022). The Mediterranean trading centre of Vivara (southern Italy): New insights on the production and circulation of pottery during the Bronze Age (16th – 15th century BCE). Journal of Archaeology Science: Reports, ISSN: 2352-409X, 44, 103516.

Pagano, G. Balassone, C. Germinario, C. Grifa, F. Izzo, M. Mercurio, P. Munzi, L. Pappalardo, E. Spagnoli, M. Verde and A. De Bonis (2023). Archaeometric Characterisation and Assessment of Conservation State of Coins: The Case-Study of a Selection of Antoniniani from the Hoard of Cumae (Campania Region, Southern Italy). Heritage 2023, 6, 2038–2055,
